
Człuchów is a unique city situated on the Krajeńskie Lake District in the south-western part of the Pomorskie Voivodship. The city attracts with its unique atmosphere and rich history.

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The preserved magnificent medieval castle tower presents particularly beautiful in sunset and a visit in its cold mysterious walls and dungeons is unquestionably an attraction, which you cannot omit. The picturesque hills, thickly overgrown with forests and four lakes connected with each other create great opportunities to organize various forms of relaxation. Events organised here shall give you unforgettable experiences. Człuchów is commonly called the city of motocross and boogie-woogie not without a reason as it every year guests sportsmen and performers from the whole world. Variety of leisure forms, friendliness of the residents and unique climate in Człuchów shall make you feel relaxed and experience a great adventure! We look forward to see you!

Source url: https://czluchow.eu/en/location

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